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dc.contributor.authorGeorgiev, Todor
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to present in detail the risk, financial, and engineering aspects of investments in photovoltaic power plants (PVPPs) based on the most likely scenario for financial and economic development. For investments in PVPPs with a capacity of over 1 MW, the use of the project company approach can be recommended. This approach pursues two basic goals: (1) the construction of PVPPs with optimal installed capacity and production parameters; (2) achievement of a projected level of sales and profits. Investments in PVPPs logically bear two groups of risks – systematic and unsystematic. Among these risks, attention should always be paid to the dynamics of price levels in electricity markets, which are key to the financial and economic return on investment. These calculations are also particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates when loan financing a project company with high financial leverage.us_US
dc.publisherTsenov Publishing HouseEN_en
dc.subjectphotovoltaic power plantsus_US
dc.subjectloan financingus_US
dc.subjectproject companyus_US
dc.subjectsystematic and unsystematic risksus_US
dc.titleRisk And Return On Investments In Photovoltaic Power Plants Through A Project Company And Loan Financingus_US

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