Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Ковид ефектът върху глобалната икономика
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2021)
Ефектът на глобалната криза, причинена от пандемията от COVID-19 е всеобхватен и засяга всички държави и икономически сектори. Въпреки това могат да се откроят някои бизнеси, които са се оказали по-устойчиви на нейното ...
Impact Of Covid-19 On The Global Economy
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2021)
The impact of the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is pervasive and affects all countries and economic sectors. However, some businesses, that have been more resilient to its adverse effects than others, for ...
Impact Of Covid-19 On The Global Economy
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2021)
The impact of the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is pervasive and affects all countries and economic sectors. However, some businesses, that have been more resilient to its adverse effects than others, for ...
Factors Influencing Restaurant Selection In The Covid-19 Era: A Study Of Consumer Preferences In India
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2022)
COVID-19 struck the humanity at the end of 2019 and since then it has been ravaging the mankind. Since then the economies have been badly affected; businesses have shut down and the restaurant businesses are no exception ...
Household Expenditure During A Pandemic: Covid-19 And The Case Of Bulgaria
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2022)
This article examines the expenditures of Bulgarian households during the COVID-19 pandemic. It specifies the theoretical and methodological features of the concepts of the household total and monetary expenditures and ...
Covid-19 And Related Government Regulations’ Impact On Employment In Georgia
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2023)
Due to the pandemic, 2020 became one of the most memorable years in the world history. It affected employment as well. Georgia was one of the countries which experienced the pandemic impacts on its citizens. The unemployment ...
Market Capitalization Factors Of The Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Sector In Pandemic
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2022)
The article is focused on the changes of the market capitalization in the Bulgarian pharmaceutical sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the article is to measure and justify the impact of a set of factors that ...
Market Capitalization Factors Of The Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Sector In Pandemic
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2022)
The article is focused on the changes of the market capitalization in the Bulgarian pharmaceutical sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the article is to measure and justify the impact of a set of factors that ...