Dlib.uni-svishtov.bg: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 4313
Advantages And Ethical Considerations Of Industrial IoT Artificial Intelligence Solutions Usage
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The objective of this paper is to research the synergistic interaction between Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in IIoT ecosystems (AIoT). For achieving this purpose, ... -
Metadata Management Framework For Business Intelligence Driven Data Lakes
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Data lakes (DL) provide powerful capabilities for processing and utilizing large and diverse data, helping organizations adapt to the modern environment and extract maximum value from the information at their disposal. ... -
The Impact Of Review And Rating On Customer Experience In Electronic Marketplaces
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)With the proliferation of e-commerce, online marketplaces have become a dominant platform for consumer purchases. However, the factors driving positive customer experiences in these digital environments remain underexplored. ... -
The Shadow Economy And Tax Evasion – Behavioral Attitudes And Countermeasures
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Taxation, corruption, excessive regulations, and ineffective governance stand out as primary drivers behind the emergence of the "shadow economy" (also known as the "grey," "informal," or "unregistered" economy). The ... -
Promoting The Participation Of SME`s In Dual Training In The Context Of Regional Disparities In Bulgaria
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The aim of the paper is to make recommendations for the development of the dual system in Bulgaria in terms of increasing the participation of SMEs and taking into account the regional specificities of the educational ... -
Risk And Return On Investments In Photovoltaic Power Plants Through A Project Company And Loan Financing
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The aim of this study is to present in detail the risk, financial, and engineering aspects of investments in photovoltaic power plants (PVPPs) based on the most likely scenario for financial and economic development. For ... -
Measuring The Impact Of Fiscal Policy On The Economic Growth Of Armenia
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The key objective of macroeconomic regulation is to achieve sustainable economic growth and development in the long term. At the same time, within developing economies, the task of ensuring sustainable economic growth in ... -
Convergent Economy – A Critical Review Of Bulgaria’s Integration In The EU
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)This article was written on the occasion of the presentation of the book Converging Economy by Prof. Garabed Minasyan, DSc, which was organized by the Union of Economists in Bulgaria with the courtesy of the Prof. Minko ... -
The Shadow Economy And Tax Evasion – Behavioral Attitudes And Countermeasures
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Taxation, corruption, excessive regulations, and ineffective governance stand out as primary drivers behind the emergence of the "shadow economy" (also known as the "grey," "informal," or "unregistered" economy). The ... -
Promoting The Participation Of SME`s In Dual Training In The Context Of Regional Disparities In Bulgaria
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The aim of the paper is to make recommendations for the development of the dual system in Bulgaria in terms of increasing the participation of SMEs and taking into account the regional specificities of the educational ... -
Risk And Return On Investments In Photovoltaic Power Plants Through A Project Company And Loan Financing
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The aim of this study is to present in detail the risk, financial, and engineering aspects of investments in photovoltaic power plants (PVPPs) based on the most likely scenario for financial and economic development. For ... -
Measuring The Impact Of Fiscal Policy On The Economic Growth Of Armenia
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The key objective of macroeconomic regulation is to achieve sustainable economic growth and development in the long term. At the same time, within developing economies, the task of ensuring sustainable economic growth in ... -
Convergent Economy – A Critical Review Of Bulgaria’s Integration In The EU
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)This article was written on the occasion of the presentation of the book Converging Economy by Prof. Garabed Minasyan, DSc, which was organized by the Union of Economists in Bulgaria with the courtesy of the Prof. Minko ... -
Икономиката в сянка и укриването на данъци – поведенчески нагласи и мерки за борба
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Данъчното облагане, корупцията, прекомерните регулации и слабата ефективност на правителствата са сочени като основни причини за възникването на явлението “икономика в сянка” (още „сива" „сенчеста“, „нерегистрирана“ или ... -
Насърчаване на участието на МСП в дуално обучение в контекста на регионалните различия в България
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Целта на статията е да отправи препоръки за развитието на системата за дуално образование в България от гледна точка на увеличаване участието на МСП и отчитайки регионалните специфики на образователната структура на ... -
Риск и възвръщаемост при инвестициите във фотоволтаични централи чрез проектна компания и кредитно финансиране
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Целта на настоящото изследване е да представи в детай-лен план рисковите, финансовите и инженерните аспекти на инвестициите във фотоволтаични централи (ФтЕЦ) на базата на най-вероятен сценарий за финансово-икономическо ... -
Измерване на въздействието на фискалната политика върху икономическия растеж на Армения
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Основната цел на макроикономическото регулиране е постигането на устойчив икономически растеж и развитие в дългосрочен план. В същото време, при развиващите се икономики съществува опас-ността институциите да не успеят да ... -
Конвергентна икономика – критичен поглед за пътя на България в ЕС
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Поводът за тази статия е представянето на книгата на проф. д.ик.н. Гарабед Минасян „Конвергентна икономика“, организирано от Съюза на икономистите в България с любезното съдействие на фонда-ция „проф. д-р Минко Русенов“. ... -
Обучение по икономика на студенти от три поколения – нагласи на обучаеми и преподаватели
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)Образованието е процес на придобиване на знания, нови умения и способности и се счита за дейност през целия живот. Стилът на учене на различните поколения е важна тема, тъй като те имат уникални характеристики, очаквания ... -
Актуални аспекти на приложението на Decision Support System (DSS) при екологичното управление на бизнеса
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)За всяко предприятие е изключително важно изграждането на Decision support system. Бъдещето на бизнеса е дигитално, зелено и устойчиво. Ето защо е актуален проб-лемът със зелената трансформация на бизнеса, в т.ч. при ...