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Proofs Of Seasonality Of Bulgaria’s Export Of Consumer Goods, Raw Materials And Processed Materials Over The Period 2020–2023
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)A country’s balance of payments determines the degree of openness of its economy. In our case, it is the ratio of the debit and credit entries in the current account to GDP. Data regarding Bulgaria indicate that during the ... -
Strategic Transformation Of Tourism In Bulgaria – Economic Recovery And Growth Potential
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The subject of this study is the tourism sector. The analysis focuses on the strategic transformation in the sector to ensure its economic recovery and realize its growth potential. The research hypothesis posits that ... -
A Study On The Relationship Between Regional Economic Development And Road Network Density In Bulgaria
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)The subject of this study is the correlation between road network and regional economic development in Bulgaria. The research hypothesis is based on the presumption that there is a positive correlation between the density ... -
Methodology For Mitigaring Energy Poverty In Bulgaria And The European Union
(Tsenov Publishing House, 2024)In the mid-2000s, an increasing number of articles began to address the need for developing modern energy services in developing countries. These publications, in addition to analyzing the lack of physical access to energy ...