Communication Policies of Beekeeping Farms in Bulgaria within the Context of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU

Изглед/ Отваряне
Lyubenov, Lyubomir
The substantial export potential of Bulgarian beekeeping requiresthat any national programme on beekeeping include promotion measures about thirdcountries and EU member-states. Those measures should primarily refer to high-quality bee products that are organic, with protected geographical indication (PGI), with protected designation of origin (PDO), etc. The share of promotional budgets for Bulgarian beekeeping in the national beekeeping programmes must be increased since promotional EU budgets have been rising steadily. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU has established the infrastructure and the environment, in which beekeeping farms should employ communication instruments more comprehensively and conduct more extensive communication policies. Although the CAP finances and subsidises the advertising of Bulgarian bee products at higher meso, macro and mega levels, it requires horizontal integration. PR and direct marketing have been identified as some of the most appropriate communication instruments for Bulgarian beekeeping farms. PR integrates into a single cause all marketing communications, while direct marketing may be employed as a strategic instrument for accomplishing long-term goals and improving the management of customer relations.